Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spotlight on AsparaGus

Gus is my leaping dog. He will stand next to a gate and jump straight up. If he went forward, he would clear the gate. He did jump one of the gates when Wookie was in heat. I missed seeing him do it, but it is the only way he could have gotten into the room.

Gus is very affectionate and he thinks he owns me. If another dog is on my lap, Gus has to climb on but higher. He has also decided that his spot on my recliner is between my calves on the foot rest. If I have my ankles crossed, he will poke me with his nose to let him into his favorite spot. Gus uses that nose a lot. I am beginning to think this nose bumping is a Yorkie thing. Raina has always bumped my legs with her nose to get my attention. Gus will poke Raina in the ribs pretty hard. She will usually put up with it, but when she is not in the mood Gus will get a sharp correction from Raina.

When one of the dogs ignores him or has a toy that he wants, Gus’ voice becomes very shrill. He will “yarp” repeatedly until he gets what he wants or gets bored. That’s when I want to choke him!

He is a handsome fellow with a beautiful long coat. The only problem is that he hates to be brushed. I am going to have his hair cut short. I hate to do it, but he runs if he sees me with a brush in my hand. At his last grooming, I had to pay for over an hour of mat removal! It is easy to prevent mats in a Yorkie’s hair. The trick is that it needs frequent brushing. Even with it shorter, I am going to have to come up with a way to restrain him so I can brush him. What a monster!

Gus is now a proven stud dog, but I think he will always remain a puppy at heart. He was so gentle playing with his own puppies and seems to like playing with Wookie’s pups. If another dog or puppy has a toy, he wants it. He also has this crazy thing about squeakers. He just can’t leave them alone and will remove them from toys. I have to take the squeakers away from him or he will eat them! He also does not seem to believe that the stuffing belongs in toys. I get tired of retrieving polyester stuffing from the floor.

After a day of pissing me off, Gus will jump up on me and get into his cuddle spot on my left arm. That’s when all of the things that bothered me are forgotten and my Gus becomes my buddy.

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