Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hopefully we are pregnant

Our Cocker Spaniel C.C. came home a week ago. I am only now getting around to this entry because the day after she came home my son and daughter-in-law went on vacation. That left me home with 9 dogs, 2 cats, a ferret, a bearded dragon, several fish and my finches. The family got home last night and I was really glad to see them. By Wednesday I was ready to start adopting out dogs and releasing the cats in the front yard. Luckily the madness passed. Plus one of my son’s friends came over to stay with me on Thursday and took over much of the work.

We only know of one time that C.C. tied with her stud. Hopefully there were other ties that were not witnessed. I think it will be very exciting to have three pregnant dogs. Someone needs to develop a pregnancy test for dogs. Believe it or not I actually tried an EPT stick when Raina urinated on the bathroom rug. It did not work. We can only guess and hope at this point. Raina is behaving differently. She usually is aggressive with the other dogs thinking she is the boss. I just watched her roll over on her back and allow them to sniff her belly and “stuff”. It may be only that she hasn’t been spending much time with the others. It’s easier for me to keep the two Yorkies together. I still have to keep Ray away from Penny and Hamburger until I am sure they are no longer in heat. We should be able to feel puppies in a couple of weeks.

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