Friday, March 20, 2009

We have new puppies!

Whoa am I tired! I’ve been trying to get used to a machine that helps me with my sleep apnea and it doesn’t seem to be helping. I was fatigued already, so spending the night as the dog midwife has been the cherry on top. I fell yesterday and then fell again this morning. And I still have a Yorkie who is due to have her pups in the next few days. The good thing is that I love these little critters so much that I don’t really mind the fatigue and bruises.

Kitty Cat is a real champ. She was in labor most of the day. There was a lot of panting and pacing. She was also very irritable with the other dogs. I tried to stay awake with her, but faded out after seeing President Obama on Leno. I woke to the sound of Squirrel barking repeatedly. Then I realized that I was also hearing the cries of puppies. Kitty had 2 of her babies while I was sleeping! I called Sean and Shannon to let them know that the puppies were being born. I stayed with her for the rest of the delivery. She drank a couple of bowls of puppy formula to fortify her. When I was sure that Kitty and the pups were OK, I climbed into bed to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, Shannon called to see how things had gone. It didn’t take much time to get back into my slumber.

The puppies are beautiful. I didn’t manage to make my usual notes during the births, so I had to sort of fill in the blanks later. There are 4 black and white pups and 2 brown and white. Four of them are males and 2 are females. I weighed them finally at about 6 to 8 hours after they were born. Of course by then their little bellies were full of milk. Kitty had a fit every time I took one away to the scale. I had forgotten how attached she was to her last litter. She did leave them long enough to empty her bladder. I had to hold the bowl to get her to drink and she did gobble up some boiled beef liver. She will be fine. Then I can look forward to the birth of the Yorkies.

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